Virtualbox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded usefor a thorough introduction to virtualization and virtualbox. Download virtualbox for puppy linux. Download virtualbox and the manual and get started! first i started with puppy linux, an amazing and small distro that will run off a usb drive i first discovered it in this capacity it is amazing how much can be done with such a small os!! i suggest starting with puppy version 215ce ce stands for community edition.
download virtualbox for puppy linux
I've made virtualbox packages (several versions) for and tested on the following puppy versions: lucid puppy 5-series, wary and racy 530, quirky 142, slacko 531 & 533 (including pae versions), slacko 540, precise puppy 540-543, the puppy 4-series, puppy 301, fatdog-64 521 and 601, and lighthousepup 514-b4.